ATT Mobility

The wireless service provided it by the phone giant AT&T is called AT&T Mobility. AT&T is a company that has been around. It currently does not offer a free government cell phone program it offers a discount Lifeline program you need to be an American and prove that you are eligible to apply for this program.

In many parts of 17 States bus Puerto Rico Lifeline discount service is available. Here is a summary of the discounts that are available to you from each state.

· Alabama - Maximum tribal lands discount of dollars and ninety-nine cents and or a $9.25 discount

· Alaska - The maximum tribal lands discount is $23.99

· Arkansas - The private lands discount is $9.25

· Idaho - The maximum tribal lands discount is $23.99 and a $9.25 discount

· Kentucky - The non-tribal Anne's discount is $9.25

· Louisiana - The maximum tribal lands discount is $23.99 and a $9.25 discount

· Michigan - The maximum tribal lands discount is $23.99 and a $9.25 discount

· Mississippi - The maximum tribal lands discount is $23.99 with a 9.25 discount

· North Dakota Non-Tribal - The land discount is $9.25

· North Dakota tribal - The maximum discount is $13.99

· Oregon non-tribal - Standard discount is $9.25

· Oregon tribal - The maximum tribal land discount of $23.99

· Puerto Rico - The maximum discount is $12.75 per month

· South Dakota Pine Ridge - The regular discount is $9.25, and the maximum tribal lands discount is 13.99

· Texas - The numbers are to be determined

· Virginia - The monthly discount is $9.25

· Washington - The regular discount is $9.25, and the maximum tribal lands discount is $13.99

· West Virginia - There is a maximum monthly discount of $13.50

· Wisconsin - The maximum tribal lands discount is $23.99 and a $9.25 discount

If you're unable to find a good plan that is reasonable to you AT&T Lifeline discounts can be what you are looking for. They offer a very reasonable service. Here is the contact information for AT&T mobile located below. You can also the information through any AT&T retail store.


AT&T Mobility
AT&T Lifeline Information: go here

AT&T Wireless Phones: