
T-Mobile is actually a subsidiary of Deutsch Telecom which is a very large telecommunication company which is based in Germany. This company does business in 11 European countries, Puerto Rico, United States, and the US Virgin Islands.

In the United States, this company offers a Lifeline discount in 26 States, Puerto Rico, and Washington DC. The specific Lifeline discounts are outlined in the list which you will find below.

The lifeline discount offered by T-Mobile can save Americans around $13.50 each month. If you are a resident of Native American tribal lands you could receive service for as little as $1 per month. The Lifeline program is called InReach.

T-Mobile indicates that qualified consumers will receive at least $10 off of their monthly rate plan. The standard Lifeline discount is around $9.25 across the country. This doesn't take into account the extra $0.75 which is what the T-Mobile it takes off of the bill and that money comes out of the company's pocket

The T-Mobile Lifeline Plan

The traditional Lifeline rate plan is $19.99 per month minus the lifeline discount. Most Lifeline discounts are around $10 per months and it can be more in Oregon or Puerto Rico. Once this is applied you will pay around $9.99 per month or even less.

On the plan, you'll get 145 whenever minutes each month and 500 night minutes as well as 500 weekend minutes. For any extra minutes that you will pay $0.05 per minute. In some selected States T-Mobile offers special discounts. Your provider will let you know about these discounts when they are being offered. Here are special discounts currently being offered by each state that is served by T-Mobile.

· Alabama – You will save $10 per month

· Connecticut – You will save $10 per month

· Delaware – You will save $10 per month

· District of Columbia – You will save $10 per month

· Florida – You will save $10 per month

· Georgia – You will save $10 per month

· Hawaii – You will save $10 per month

· Indiana – You will save $10 per month

· Kentucky – You will save $10 per month

· Louisiana – You will save $10 per month

· Massachusetts – You will save $10 per month

· Maryland – You will save $10 per month

· Michigan – You will save $10 per month

· Mississippi – You will save $10 per month

· Minnesota – You will save $10 per month

· Missouri – You will save $10 per month

· New Jersey – You will save $10 per month

· New Hampshire – You will save $10 per month

· North Carolina – You will save $10 per month

· New York – You will save $10 per month

· Ohio – You will save $10 per month

· Oregon – You will save $13.50 per month

· Pennsylvania – You will save $10 per month

· Puerto Rico – You will save $12.75 per month

· Tennessee – You will save $10 per month

· Virginia – You will save $10 per month

· Washington – You will save $10 per month

T-Mobile is also working with Walmart in a program called of the Walmart family mobile plan. This is the same Lifeline discount plan which is offered by T-Mobile, but it is marketed by Walmart. It is marketed under its own brand name in states where T-Mobile is operating.

