The basics of Obamacare and the definitions you need to know

Obamacare is a 2010 patient protection and affordable health care bill. It reduces the medical costs of those who can't afford it, making it affordable for everyone. This is the most comprehensive legislation since the Social Security Act of 1935. This is also the biggest reform of the US health care system since the 1960s. It was named after President Obama, who supported health care reform during his tenure from 2009 to 2017.

ACA costs and benefits

The bill is also known as ACA. Its goal is to reduce the country's medical expenses. It did this by forcing everyone to buy insurance. As a result, healthy young people pay premiums, even though they don't use insurance like the elderly. This offsets the cost of insurance companies insuring the most serious people.

ACAprevents companies from rejecting anyone. Therefore, everyone has the ability to see a doctor before the symptoms turn into a crisis. Prior to ACA, uninsured people used expensive hospital emergency rooms as their primary care provider. This increases the medical expenses for everyone.

Expanding subsidies for middle-income families

Obama’s health care reform has also expanded subsidies for middle-income families. This allows more people to afford better insurance. Prior to ACA, only families with corporate sponsored insurance could afford a comprehensive plan. In order to pay for subsidies, Obamacare has increased taxes on health care providers and high-income earners. People with an annual income of $200,000 (married couples $250,000) pay a higher income tax and investment tax. In order to enforce this order, tax penalties are imposed on those who do not have insurance. Congress passed the tax cuts and employment laws to abolish tax penalties. It will take effect in 2019


According to the August 2017 report of the Congressional Budget Office, “As Trump develops plans to weaken Obama’s health care reform, these costs will rise.” According to any plan proposed by Congress to replace Obama’s health care reform, costs will rise. Initially, the bill increased health care costs because many previously undiscovered diseases were diagnosed and treated during the initial examination.
Obama’s medical reform has brought more reforms to health insurance, such as, insurance companies cannot exclude people with a prior record. Insurance companies are also banned from getting off the bus when they are sick. Parents can let their children reach the age of 26 in their plans.The medical insurance “doughnut hole” was subsidized in the coverage of prescription drugs. It is planned to be closed in 2020.

Other definitions of Obamacare you need to know

The Affordable Care Act adds many terms to the medical vocabulary. The following is the most important list and its definition. Medical insurance exchange. The Health Insurance Exchange is an online shopping site that allows you to compare and purchase health insurance plans. Some states have their own exchanges, although most states allow their residents to use federally managed exchanges. People who do not purchase a plan before the public admission deadline cannot get insurance through the exchange. They can get short-term plans with less benefits. President Trump reduced the enrollment time from 90 days to 45 days.

Federal poverty level. This is the annual income level the federal government uses to determine the poor. In order to keep up with inflation, poverty levels are increasing every year. Obamacare has expanded the scope of Medicaid to increase the proportion of the poor to 138% or less. It provides tax credits for those whose income does not exceed 400%.

Grandfather came in. This term applies to all health insurance plans that existed prior to the signing of the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010. These plans do not need to provide 10 basic benefits and do not need to comply with many other ACA regulations. They may offer lower coverage and premiums than exchange plans.

See when your plan was presented. If you have a grandfather in your plan, carefully compare it to the exchange's plan. See if you can get a better deal. Once you let go, you can't save it.