Do you have to pay Obama's medical reform tax this year?

The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as Obama's medical reform) has made many changes to the tax code. Below is a summary of the main taxes, fines, fines and tax credits. However, Trump's plan to weaken Obama's health care reform is currently overturning many of these changes.

Uninsured fine

Before 2019, if you do not have health insurance for at least nine months of the year, you will pay an additional tax. Starting in 2016, taxes have increased to 2.5% of adjusted total income. In 2019, the Trump tax plan cancelled taxes. This tax ceiling. This will never exceed the average national cost of buying a Bronze Health Insurance plan on an exchange. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that individuals are about $4,500 a year and families are about $12,000 a year.

This tax will never be lower than the minimum uniform tax. $695 per adult, $347.50 per child, up to $2085 per family. After 2016, this minimum consumer price index rose with the consumer price index.

In 2015, 6.7 million taxpayers paid a fine. Preliminary estimates indicate that this figure has declined in 2016. Those with incomes between $25,000 and $50,000 are most likely to pay fines, and most of them say they can't afford insurance. Medicare is available to people with lower incomes.

Reduced tax incentives

If you list item by item, you can only deduct medical expenses that are not covered by your health insurance and exceed 10% of your income. Prior to ACA, you can deduct a fee that exceeds 7.5% of your income. In 2017 and 2018, Trump's tax plan returned this deduction to the level before the ACA.

If you use a health savings account or similar, you can only save $2,500 in pre-tax expenses. ACA excludes over-the-counter drugs from eligible flexible expense account medical expenses. If you do not use the Federal Medical Administration's funds to pay for medical expenses, taxes will increase to 20%.

Increase income tax

Do you earn more than $200,000 a year? Do you apply together as a married couple with an annual salary of at least $250,000? You are married, but you have to declare separately, can you earn at least $125,000 a year? If you answer yes to any of them, you will pay an additional income tax. This is an additional 0.9% medical insurance hospital tax on your income and self-employment profits above the prescribed threshold. In addition, you will be required to pay an additional 3.8% investment income tax. These include dividends and capital gains above the threshold.

If your income is above the threshold, you can pay the Obamacare tax if you sell your house. If you earn more than $250,000, or if your married couple’s capital gains exceed $500,000, you should pay taxes. This means that you must clear the applicable threshold amount after deducting the original purchase price and other investments you have made. If you are selling an investment property, you will not be excluded. The Obamacare tax treats it as any other capital gain.

Business tax

Cadillac tax. Companies offering high-cost health insurance plans (known as the Cadillac program) will impose a 40% GST. Personal premiums for these programs are at least $10,200 and family premiums are at least $27,500. People who work in hazardous situations need them. It was postponed until 2022. The lobbyists worked hard to abolish this tax in 2018, when companies will begin planning for 2020.

  • Indoor tanning service. These are excise taxes that impose a 10% actual tannery cost.
  • Medical device manufacturer. These companies pay a 2.3% GST on total sales. The tax is suspended until 2018. The Medical Device Trade Association is lobbying to abolish the tax.
  • Prescription drug manufacturers and importers. These companies charge a fee every year.
  • General business. In 2014, the estimated tax factor for companies with assets of at least $1 billion increased by 15.75%.
  • Health insurance company. They can only deduct $500,000 as compensation for any employee.

Tax credit

If your income is 400% or lower of the federal poverty level, you may be eligible for a tax credit. This varies from state to state. If your income is 225% of the poverty level, you can also save your pay-as-you-go costs. Any insurance company that sells on an exchange must reduce your costs to an affordable level. This varies from state to state. If your income is less than 138% of the poverty level, you don't have to pay taxes. In most states, you are also eligible to apply for Medicaid. You do not need to pay taxes if:

  • Your income is too low and the insurance premium cannot be afforded.
  • You do not need to file a tax return.
  • You are a member of the Indian tribe.
  • You have participated in a health care sharing department or a member of a religion against health insurance.
  • You applied for a difficult exemption.


When there are fewer than 25 employees, you may be eligible for a 50% medical insurance tax credit. If your employee's average salary is less than $50,000 and you pay at least half of the premium, you are eligible for insurance. This does not apply to the owner's health insurance costs. With less than 50 employees, you can use the health insurance exchange to help you find the cheapest plan.

For 50 or more employees, if you do not provide health insurance, you must pay a $2000 GST for each employee. The top 30 employees are exceptions. If you provide health insurance for early retirees between the ages of 55 and 64, all businesses receive federal financial assistance. If you provide prescription insurance for retired employees, you can get a 28% tax credit on the cost of medicines.


Under the same conditions as the above-mentioned small businesses, tax-exempt employers can receive a 35% tax credit as a refund.